Privacy notice

In the course of our business, we store and use personal data that includes:
- the names of clients and other business contacts, together with contact information for these individuals
- information about the professional activities and networks of these people, and of others in the public and private sectors who are not personally known to us, but who are nevertheless relevant to our business
The personal data that we store and use are generally either internally generated or obtained from:
- our clients
- publicly-available sources (such as company websites and the media)
- subscription-based sources (including subscription-based media)
- conferences, seminars and other events
- our wider network of contacts
We process personal data – including by sharing data, where necessary, with our clients and wider network – for the purposes of our legitimate interests as a corporate advisory business, and our clients’ legitimate interests in receiving our advice and counsel. Our legitimate interests are, principally, providing advisory services to our clients, business development, and pitching and promoting our services. We generally retain client personal data for no more than 6 years following the end of the relevant client relationship.
We can be contacted regarding our processing of personal data here, including in relation to data subject rights under the GDPR. We are regulated by the Information Commissioner, with whom data-related complaints may be lodged.
Registered Office 843 Finchley Road, London NW11 8NA
Registered in England Company No 8371505, VAT No 156553789